Why Russian Women?

Russian Women - Natalia Vodianova 2

MOSCOW, Russia (CNN) — Natalia Vodianova is the Russian supermodel and philanthropist described by designer Tom Ford as “the most beautiful woman in the world.”
Natalia, 27, is a mother of three and has set up her own children’s charity. The woman nicknamed “Supernova” tells My City_My Life about her tough childhood, her love of Moscow and why Russian vodka is the best.
CNN: How would you describe Moscow?
Natalia Vodianova: It’s a city of contrasts. You have this great culture and traditions that are very normal, calm and established. And then you have explosions of emotion, craziness, art, and young people who are so proud to be Muscovites and really trying to be individuals.
Moscow is a huge inspiration for me. I love what I find here, I love being here.
CNN: What would you change about Moscow given the chance?
NV: Definitely the way it’s treated at the moment, the way the government wants to renovate the old buildings. To me it’s a little bit sad because in the West people have a very different mentality about renovating buildings, keeping them as intact as possible.
CNN: What’s the fashion in Moscow?
NV: You see women in jeans wearing very high heels and a short puffy jacket. It’s really funny!
CNN: Tell me about your childhood
NV: I was born in Nizhny Novgorod to a very poor family and unfortunately my father and mother separated when I was very little.
She was a single mum and had two more girls. It was a struggle but we all worked really hard and stood up for each other. My mum was amazing; she never drank, she never smoked — she lived for us. I appreciate what she has done for me and the way she raised me.
CNN: Is family very important to you?
NV: I think protecting your family and giving to them is so important. It’s the most important achievement.
CNN: How did your modeling career take off?
NV: I went to Paris when I was 17. I was lucky because my career kind of gradually built up over two years — I always had good work but I wasn’t a star straight away.
In fact, my agency thought that I might never do shows because I was a bit shorter and not skinny enough, but when I gave birth to my first son I was 19 and I lost a lot of weight.
I guess the stress on the body was extreme and I suddenly just turned into this stick — just the way designers love models. My career took off after Lucas was born because I opened a lot of shows on the runway and that’s where a lot of stars are made in my industry.
CNN: If you weren’t a model, what would your life be like?
NV: It’s very hard to say what my life would be like if I hadn’t gone to Paris. People say I didn’t change very much but I don’t think that’s true.
I’m a happy person and even if I thought that I was happy then, I had so much baggage to carry with me: my background, people’s expectations, the fact that I wasn’t a perfect student and I wasn’t going to school all the time — I didn’t live a normal life at all.
That’s not with me anymore, because of my success. It really doesn’t matter because I know I have learned so much more than a lot of other girls who have had perfect childhoods.
CNN: Tell us about the charity and what you are trying to achieve with it?
NV: I started my foundation in 2005, after the Beslan tragedy [the 2004 school siege in which at least 339 hostages were killed]. I was in Moscow at the time and it just struck me so much.
I went back to New York, where I was living at the time, organized a fundraising event and raised $350,000 to build a playground for the children that had survived in the area. I believe that play is very therapeutic. It’s really the only way for these children to forget about what happened and just be children, even if it’s only for five minutes.
But then I realized that it would be good for all the other children in Russia and I just started raising money and building playgrounds. Now we have 23 places all over Russia and we are building 15 more this year and planning to build more.
I want to fulfill my dream of building 500 play parks in Russia. Each one will cost about $300,000 so it’s a big dream — an expensive one!
CNN: Let’s talk about vodka…
NV: Our vodka is definitely the best. It’s a very pure, good drink and it goes with Russian food. Generally I don’t drink vodka outside Russia, but when you come to Russia there is no reason to order a glass of wine.
CNN: What do you think of your nickname — Supernova?
NV: I don’t mind being called Supernova. If one nickname is going to stick, that’s not a bad one!
CNN: Which five words best describe Moscow?
NV: It’s mysterious, cultural, exciting, crazy and spiritual.

Natalia Vodianova has been on our radar before and it’s always interesting to see how a successful young lady like this progresses through life.

Apparently she’s been quite busy in keeping with the traditions of a true Russian Lady since at the young age of 27 she’s already a devoted wife and mother to 3 children.

She certainly qualifies as a Super Woman in my book.

This is especially so given how she’s overcome a difficult and  impoverished childhood but continues to reach out to help other children.

If there are angles in this world then I believe that she certainly qualifies as one.

But then again this part of the world is certainly blessed with many just like her.

MOSCOW, Russia (CNN) — Natalia Vodianova is the Russian supermodel and philanthropist described by designer Tom Ford as “the most beautiful woman in the world.”

Natalia, 27, is a mother of three and has set up her own children’s charity. The woman nicknamed “Supernova” tells My City_My Life about her tough childhood, her love of Moscow and why Russian vodka is the best.


If any of you Gentlemen personally know a Russian or FSU Woman..

Then TODAY is the day to once again extend your deepest adoration and to make her feel like a REAL Lady.

(These women also love to pamper and make each other feel beautiful on this day too.)

So pick up that phone..

Send those emails or ecards..

Or just simply arrange a nice romantic evening together.

Oh and don’t forget the flowers and chocolates too.

They really love that.  🙂


Feminist playwright Zoe Lewis’s decided to confront the bitter truth about her life as an indoctrinated Feminist.

I certainly respect her courage in coming out and denouncing the self-destructive cultural norms she was lead to believe in. 

But part of me wonders how many relationships she personally threw under the bus before her age caught up to her and the Men finally stopped coming round?

What kind of future can any woman like this look forward to when they specifically choose to ignore mother nature’s calling and then simply run out of time?

Well let’s just hope that a few more young women out there can read her story and better understand their own path that they must choose. 

Oh and one more very important thing ladies..  

NEVER underestimate the power that self-destructive feminist propaganda like MTV, TV shows, and the News has over your lives.

Madonna syndrome:

I should have ditched feminism for love, children and baking

A playwright who embraced the feminism espoused by her mother and flaunted by Madonna now feels betrayed

Zoe Lewis

I never thought I would be saying this, but being a free woman isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Is that the rustle of taffeta I hear as the suffragettes turn in their graves? Possibly. My mother was a hippy who kept a pile of (dusty) books by Germaine Greer and Erica Jong by her bed (like every good feminist, she didn’t see why she should do all the cleaning). She imbued me with the great values of choice, equality and sexual liberation. I fought with my older brother and won; at university I beat the rugby lads at drinking games. I was not to be messed with.

Now, nearly 37, those same values leave me feeling cold. I want love and children but they are nowhere to be seen. I feel like a UN inspector sent in to Iraq only to find that there never were any weapons of mass destruction. I was led to believe that women could “have it all” and, more to the point, that we wanted it all. To that end I have spent 20 years ruthlessly pursuing my dreams – to be a successful playwright.

I have sacrificed all my womanly duties and laid it all at the altar of a career.

And was it worth it?

The answer has to be a resounding no.


This is a very cool video clip that I came across regarding the flying career and family life of Svetlana Kapanina.

Hats off to this extraordinary woman who can push the limits of her profession but still prioritize her family above all. 

Katya is a Serious Sweetheart.

Her parents liked the previous photos so much that she asked me if it would be ok to do a few more..

“Ahh.. yeah..”  

(Like she really needed to twist my arm right?)

She then asked me..  

“How should I dress?”

I just had one of those deer in the head light expressions on my face as I said..

“Anyway you want to Katya.”

“Anywaaaaaay  you want..”




I personally think that Russian and FSU Dancers are probably the best in the world. 

There are many state and professional dance studios in every city and Russian Culture treats this art form with the deepest respect. 

For example..

Take a look at the photo above to catch a glipse of the absolute perfect pose of this incredible ballerina. 

She looks like she is being suspended by invisible wires like they do in Cirque du Soleil.  And it’s pretty hard for me to imagine that she’s not so the only thing I can say like most others upon seeing this is..

“How do they do that!?!?”

Well luckily this timeless artform is about to get some international exposure with the latest release of a documentary film called “Ballerina”.


Ballerina spotlights the drive of Russian dancers


Russian dancers have long been the subject of fascination, sometimes the men and sometimes the women. It would appear from “Ballerina,” a documentary about the Kirov Ballet, that women hold the upper edge today.

This film by Bertrand Normand takes a look at five women at the Kirov: two established stars, one hoping for a comeback after an injury, and two are young aspirants, bursting with talent and ambition.


Say hello to the lovely Miss Katya.

Katya is a striking and “bewitching”  young lady from Central Kazakshtan. 

She enjoys studying English and has a great desire to utilize her knowledge to prepare for some future travels to Europe and the US that she often dreams about. 

I met her last week at a friendly Texas Hold’em game that I was invited to.   She was there as a friend of a friend’s girlfriend.. or something like that..

She never played the game before so I was more then happy to teach her the rules and some basic strategy.   Well something interesting happened on the way to counting the poker chips.

First off in the very first hand she ever played she got a King High Royal Flush.  

And keep in mind this is a hand that I have NEVER seen before in all the years I’ve played poker.  

From that point on this 19 year old emerald eyed enchantress proceeded to eventually clean out the 8 other players at the table including myself..   

Beginners luck indeed.  

Or did I just meet Lady Luck instead?

Well in anycase I wised up pretty quickly and realized that I certainly didn’t need to “help” a spellbinding young woman who already held all the cards..

(In more ways then one I might add.)

In anycase she was gracious enough to give me a conciliatory price and allow me to snap some stunning photos of her.

So I guess in that regard..

You and I are the ones who really ended up with the winning hand.



During Christmas and New Years in Russia you will always see pictures of Santa Claus (or “Father Frost” as he is called here) being accompanied by a beautiful “Snow Maiden” who is supposed to be his grand-daughter.

The Snow Maiden is portrayed as a beautiful girl with long blond hair who delights in the snow flakes that fall around her.

Well it’s always interesting to see just how closely fact can follow fiction.

And in the case of our lovely Elena below I think you can see why..



There is a fierce Siberian blizzard raging outside my window right now.

Cars are crawling through the icy roads and a small army of backhoes are out in force trying to clear out the mountain of blinding snow that mother nature is dumping on us.

I feel like a member of the Rebel Alliance hiding out on the ice world of Hoth right now.

It is truly nasty and unforgiving out there.

So my thoughts naturally turn towards warmer days filled with sunshine and spectacular summer “vistas”.

One such “vista” along with her equally lovely sister are Christmas Eve babies who are celebrating their birthdays today.

So on top of wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas..

Please join me in extending a very special birthday wish to Miss Lena and Miss Luda.

(Believe it or not.. Due to their sense of modesty they actually didn’t want me to share these photos with you but I thought it would be a crime against humanity to keep their beauty a secret and to follow that request.  So in the greater interest of putting real holiday smile and cheer on to your faces I hope you will help me to convince them otherwise. ) 🙂



Well I can’t say I’m surprised..

But its still nice to know that these ladies are getting some positive international recognition.

Ms. Kseniya Sukhinova is practically my neighbour since she come from the gritty industrial city of Tyumen.

I wish this young lady the best and I’m sure that her reign as Miss World 2008 will be a positive one.


(Just in case your wondering here are some other photos from the Miss Russia 2008 contest leading up to Miss World.)


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