Unless you’ve been under a rock the last few days you’ve undoubtedly heard about the FBI arresting 10 so called Russian “spies” in the US.

The highest profile member of this band is Anna Chapman, a 28 year old “Femme Fatale” originally from Moscow but currently residing in New York up until the time of her arrest earlier this week.  The mainstream press always hungry for headlines has swooped on this to label her as a “Beautiful and Sexy Russian Spy”.

Damn that does sound good doesn’t it??

Popcorn anyone?

In any case this story seems to have more in common with the bumbling Inspector Clouseau from the Pink Panther then with any alluring and dangerous sirens in James Bond.

Here’s why…

When I first arrived into Russia one of the most common and serious question I got as an American was..

Why are you in Siberia?  ARE YOU A SPY?

My usual tongue in cheek reply would be..

Yes I am.. I’m here to spy on your Beautiful Russian Women!


I know a 25 year old Russian Lady in California who’s happily married to an American Man.

She just told me that she’s expecting her first child and that she and her husband are both very happy.

As she started sharing this with her friends she noticed two very different responses to her joyous news.

Her Russian girlfriends were universally ecstatic and filled with excitement.

Huge smiles with equally huge bright eyes greeted her declaration.

Some would openly weep with joy as hugs, kisses and many compliments were proudly spoken and dedicated to her.

And my own experience in Russia totally validates this.

Because when the announcement of an impending arrival is made there is an incredible emotional energy in the room and you can’t help but feel a deep appreciation for this all important celebration of life itself.

If you are ever able to witness it, you would understand just how close Russian women can be to each other.

Beautiful and nurturing to behold.  It is a tight-knit and loving sisterhood that always makes me smile and gives me hope for humanity.

However, when the news of her pregnancy started making the rounds with the American Women she knows..  It generated a completely different reaction.

  • I heard the news..  ARE YOU OK?!?!?!
  • Oh my God??  WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?!?!
  • Are you SURE you are happy??
  • Are you going to keep IT???

My newly pregnant friend said she felt like some tragedy had befallen her and these grim expressions of “concern” were no different then if someone in the family had just died.


John Perkins is a most interesting man.

He is the author of “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” and he essentially blew the lid off of how our secret economic, and political foreign policies are used to subdue and control emerging 3rd world economies.

Although I try to avoid politics in this blog I think it’s critical that all of us wake up and educate ourselves as to how our world really works. Deep awareness is the only way we can enact real change.

When you go beyond the intentional propaganda of “Main Stream Media” you end up discovering that many things in this world appear on the surface to be “good” (such as Socialism, Feminism or World Bank Development Loans) because they are supposed to “help a disadvantaged group” but end up being rolled out for quite the opposite purpose.

They are the stealth tools for overt control of our society.

In this blog I’ve paid particular attention to the Evils of Modern Feminism simply because it’s a social, political and economic movement that is designed to steal traditional feminine identities away from Women and demonize Men.

Both Men and Women have genetic predispositions and  traditional roles that have served the relative stability, growth and happiness of humanity since time eternal.  So one of my goals has always been to expose the real Feminist Agenda and warn women that adopting a belief in Modern Feminism is a futile and mostly tragic exercise in self-denial.

So how does a guy like John Perkins fit into all of this?

Well his life story reads like a spy thriller where he was working for the dark side trying to infiltrate 3rd world cultures and exploit them for Western economic domination.  His entire life to this point was dominated by the ultra masculine roles of conquest and the seductive spoils of victory.

(click the above link and listen to his story.. I promise you won’t be disappointed)

But at some point he had a spiritual awakening and realized that the cultures he was trying to subjugate also held the keys to personal and global transformation.   (I can certainly relate to this.)

And in the case of the following video, these native people also had an important prophecy about the feminine spirit..

Olga is a new friend of ours who also happens to be a fitness nut.

(Shouldn’t we all be as well..)

She’s recently graduated from her university where she studied English and she’s ready to see what the real world is like.   Aside from a 4 day a week fitness routine you can also see that she is a real softie for cats..  (aren’t we all..)

Masha introduced her to me and I thought she was a very sweet girl so I asked her to share some of her photos for all of us to enjoy.


I get the feeling that the camera really loves this girl.

Even as she busily prepares for her final exams in mid June that will finish off her university studies she still managed to have a few more photos taken.

I guess the photographer had her strike some classic modeling expressions and poses this time.

And although I think these images are awesome, the real Jenya I know is best represented in the last photo.


May 9th is Victory Day in Russia.

And from a historical perspective nothing means more to them then the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War 2.

I’ve always been fascinated by the role that Russian Women played in this epochal conflict.   I’ve always heard various stories of the endurance and heroism they demonstrated not just in supporting roles but in actual combat.

When I think about what the world is like now it’s hard for me to imagine what these women went through to defend their country.   Because in this conflict where over 20 million soviets became casualties..  nothing was spared and nothing was left off the table in this theater of war.

Although there are countless stories of female heroism in this struggle, here are some highlights which illustrates the magnitude of their contributions and sacrifices.


Women played a large part in most of the armed forces of the Second World War. In most countries though, women tended to serve mostly in administrative, medical and in auxiliary roles. But in the Soviet Union women fought in larger numbers in front line roles.  Over 800,000 women served their Motherland in World War II; nearly 200,000 of them were decorated and 89 of them eventually received the Soviet Union’s highest award, the Hero of the Soviet Union. They served as pilots, snipers, machine gunners, tank crew members and partisans, as well as in auxiliary roles. Very few of these women, however, were ever promoted to officers.

Lydia Litvyak

August 18, 1921 – August 1, 1943  (age:21)

Also known as Lydia Litviak or Lilya Litviak, was a female fighter pilot in the Soviet Air Force during World War II.

With 12 solo victories and either two or four shared, gained in 66 combat missions, she is one of the world’s only two female fighter aces.


It’s always great to have friends like Jenya.

She’s working on a serious architectural project right now but I still managed to catch her online.

We were on skype and just catching up when I noticed she had a different profile picture up that was just melting my screen.

From that point our conversation went something like this..

Me:  “Wow Jenya when did you have that awesome photo of you taken??”

Jenya:   🙂

Me:  “Can you send me that photo along with any others you have?”

Jenya:   🙂   🙂   (files are being sent)

Me:  “Jenya these photos are incredible!  You look so beautiful in them and I want to post them on my site..”

Jenya:   🙂   🙂   🙂

Now did you ever have one of those moments where you know someone so well that you knew exactly what they were thinking and feeling even if you had no visual or verbal cues at all?

Well my relationship with Jenya certainly falls into this category.

It’s interesting because there are many times when I am with a Russian Woman like Jenya and very little if nothing is said..

There is only this calm and peaceful vibe that feels almost like a deep meditation.

And this is especially the case when she turns to look at you and if feels as if she’s gazing into your very soul…


A very thoughtful reader has introduced me to a great video clip from a romantic European film called Les Poupées russes (The Russian Dolls) .

Now if you’ve never been to Russia or the FSU..

And you’ve never had the chance to actually MEET a traditional Russian beauty face to face..

Then watching this clip may be the closest experience you’ll have to understanding what it’s like.

Because I can certainly remember when it happened to me.

And just like the “poor guy” in this video who has a classic deer in the headlight moment before he gets SMACKED by “Natasha”..

I ain’t never been the same since.

And neither would you.

Our lovely Siberian beauty Lena has a new video and its in high definition no less.

Nothing fancy here.

Just a simple walk in the park that I hope all of you will enjoy and appreciate.


24 year old Anna Sharevich is another eye opening example of intellectual talent from the FSU.

Normally I always enjoy showcasing ladies like her in order to dis spell the various stereotypes that exists about Russian women.

But I must admit the image of a chess playing Russian beauty saying “checkmate” is one stereotype I don’t mind promoting at all. 😉

White Queen In the Spotlight
by Sergei Kanashits

Haven’t you heard of Anna Sharevich?

Sad… Sharevich is quite well-known in Brest.

The 20-year-old grandmaster is sitting in front of me smiling and patting a gigantic cat that feels very comfortable on her laps.

The cat of the best Belarusian female chess player, two times champion of the country, also likes chess. By the way, his name is “Chess”, which means quite a lot. He does not play to any pattern, he just sleeps on the chessboard moving bishops, pawns and showing no respect to queens. No gambits, no Sicilian defense. But his owner does know much about what can be done on the board.


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