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68 Responses to “Links”

  1. Mamonaku Says:

    Nice blog!

    If possible, I would like to be added to your links page.

    My blog has your page in my links.

    Keep up the good work! As I am married to an Asian woman, I know all about how good it can be for an American man overseas.

  2. rw_man Says:

    Hi Mamonaku,

    You have a pretty darn good blog yourself! Hope we can collaborate and help each other to spread awareness of these issues.

    For you readers out there.. when you get a chance check this Guy’s link out.

    Cheers! GL


  3. vper1 Says:

    May I suggest:

    Sam Fryman – free books on mens liberation, womens liberation, kundalini, meditation, psychology and sexuality.


  4. Canajun Says:

    Is the Singles Abroad site legitimate to your knowledge?


  5. rw_man Says:

    I have no idea Canajun.. Much of it totally depends on the character of the ladies in the agency as opposed to the agency itself. That’s the hard part in navigating this.

  6. Hello rw_man,

    Your wordpress is a breath of fresh air, I commend you greatly.

    I’ve added your blog in my link section.

  7. rw_man Says:

    Thank you very much Jacob,

    I’ll do the same..

  8. Carlo Says:

    Sorry but your website is totally out touch with reality . it doesnt even strike the reality of facts

    Russian woman (the hot ones) dont hang around western countries long.. If they do there is a hidden agenda..
    tell every man on here the truth dont distort the facts,,,

    Russian woman are hot but the biggest mistake for any western man

  9. rw_man Says:


    Care to substantiate that a bit more with some personal experience or something statistical to back that up?

    Or are you here just to throw bombs?

    If you are.. then sorry pal but you are the one out of touch with reality..

  10. Rob Fedders Says:

    Good stuff, RW_Man,

    Here I’ve been googling all around the web searching for more info on Cultural Marxism – and you’ve conveniently laid it all out for me here.

    It’s been a pleasure reading, and I may quote/link directly to you in some of my battles against the Marxofeminists, if that is OK with you.

  11. rw_man Says:

    Hi Rob,

    Welcome aboard and thanks for the compliment. Be more then happy to link exchange with you.. Just give me your URL. Feel free to quote me as well but just link back to the original article please.

    Thanks again..


  12. wolverine Says:

    Single abroad website is more just advice on how to live and make a living abroad, as well as a bit on when the women aren’t feminists, or jaded by constantly being hit on by tourists. I have a subscription to it, and enjoy it when I look at it. It has advice on divorcing western women as well. It’s not a marriage/dating site by any means. At least not the last time I was there. Hope this helps.

  13. wolverine Says:


    I found that. Look for the part of an interview that says that he’s happy with his Russin wife. Most enlightening.

  14. Catz Says:

    Like your site very much. Congratulations on your upcoming marriage!

    I’d like to let you know about a couple of links that you should add to your list.

    1) Russian Women Discussion – http://www.russianwomendiscussion.com

    – it is the best board I have come across in years and now that I am married to a Russian woman (two years in January) it is still a great resource for learning and helping out those who are just getting started.

    2) Visa Journey – http://www.visajourney.com

    – All kinds of information about time lines, visas, processing, etc.

    Best of luck to you and your fiancee for a great future!

  15. rw_man Says:

    Hi Catz,

    Thank You kindly for your congratulations.. 🙂

    Be more then happy to help them out if they can provide a reciprocal link to me.

    Thanks for the tips..


  16. Dio Says:

    SPACIBA, as they say.

  17. Luke Skywalker Says:

    Also GL, I mentioned this before but I don’t think you saw it…
    Is there any way you can put a link to my blog on your links page?


  18. rw_man Says:

    Hi Luke it’s done.. GL

  19. Anon Girl Says:

    hi GL!

    I have linked your blog to mine.


    and this is probably late, but congrats on the future marriage!

  20. rw_man Says:

    Hi Anon Girl,

    Thanks for the link. I’ll put you up too.


  21. Red October Says:

    Hi GL.

    You have an interesting site. I too write about Russian women and Russia in general. I have placed a link to your site on http://www.red-october.net. Hope to get a link back from you.


  22. Bucko Says:

    Just found this site and blog. Will be interesting to read through it, since I am dating a Russian woman over the internet.


  23. Marat Says:

    I was researching immigration law issues and ran across an additional resource that you might want to add to your resource page. There is a lot of great information on http://www.cpvisa.com and I found their site to be very useful.
    Have a great day,
    Sincerely, Marat Gataullin

  24. rw_man Says:

    Hi Marat,

    Thanks for the link I’ll put it up shortly.. If you have any contact with them then please ask them to put my link up as well.


  25. Eric Says:

    I just found your blog, and I must say that it is very informative. It gives a wonderful perspective into the views and customs from Russia. As a US citizen, growing up during the cold-war era, there was very little information about what life is truely like over in Russia.
    For this blog, I commend you.

    However, after an exhusting search, I find that there is very little on the internet as far as a listing and rating system of “marraige” agencies. Simply put, is there a site of reputiable agencies that you can link to that would help the newbies from getting scammed?

  26. Melina Says:

    This is a great blog! I know that Russian women are very feminine as well as traditional. That is something to be commended! I also have a blog that is dedicated to the art of being feminine;


    My aim is to teach women femininity. I will write an article about cooking and include the link to your page; ‘Don’t American women Cook?’

    It would be very much appreciated if you could add my blog url to your links 🙂



  27. Richard Says:

    I really like what you present on your blog. It is almost beyond imagination to find a woman who is so outspoken about the true nature of being a woman. Femininity, dignity, motherhood as something positive, being a wife AND knowing how to please a husband. You are definitely in a minority position by today’s standard of womanhood, but God bless you for it. Obviously your Christian commitment helps you to see the real nature of our purpose here and thank you for the courage to profess it in a public forum the way you have. Your site is well done and enhances the image of women tastefully and respectfully while offering valuable insights and assistance for those who are interested.
    Warmest wishes to you in all that you do.

  28. rw_man Says:

    Hello Melina:)

    Welcome aboard and thank you for your lovely compliment. I had a chance to skim through your site and I love it too! 🙂

    When I started this site I had a feeling that it would only be a matter of time before some maverick lady like yourself would start to publish the truth about what it means to be a real lady and of course the great satisifaction and rewards that comes with it.

    So I’m very happy to see a “sister in arms” on this issue. I wish you all the best on the success of your site!

    Please contribute again!


  29. Anna Says:


    I am so excited to hear about your site and look forward to reading it frequently! Like yourself, I am a young western woman (American, specifically)who aspires to be a truly traditional and feminine woman in all aspects of life. It is definitely hard to find inspiration for such a life in our current western culture, so your site (and this one!) are more appreciated than I can say!


  30. Hazel Says:

    Looks like a great blog, I’m certain I can learn a lot! 🙂

  31. David Says:

    This is a great site, can’t believe I just found it. Im married to a Russian woman from Khabarovsk, and we are both very very happy. Living in Arizona is a big change for her but she loves it, her first summer was hard but she loves not freezing in the winter. Keep up the great site.

  32. genuinewoman Says:


    I am Russian girl. Thank you for the blog, I loved pictures because it reminds me my home.
    I am writing for English audience to promote Femininity and Womanhood, therefore I would be glad to cooperate.
    I look forward to hear from you!


  33. rw_man Says:

    Privet Ekaterina!

    Would love to collaborate with you in anyway I can since you are also promoting Traditional Femininity and Womanhood. You can email me anytime. Thanks for joining us and welcome aboard!


    1. genuinewoman Says:

      Privet =)

      I could not find your email on this site. My blog is http://genuinewoman.wordpress.com/. Can you let me know how to contact you?

      1. rw_man Says:

        You can contact me anytime at galacticlove@gmail.com 🙂

  34. Richard Says:

    Its great to hear from another Russian girl who believes as you do. I look forward to your thoughts and ideas.
    You’ve said that the pictures remind you of home, are you living in another place now?

    1. genuinewoman Says:

      Ya, I am living in Canada with my husband.

      1. wolverine Says:

        Where are you living in Canada?? I live between Calgary and Lethbridge.

      2. genuinewoman Says:

        I live in BC.

      3. Richard Says:

        I’m in BC as well. What is the FSU community like in the lower mainland? Are there a lot of Russian connections for you here to help with living so far from your homeland?

      4. genuinewoman Says:

        I don’t have Russian friends in BC, only in Alberta. Here I prefer to communicate in English. Sometimes I have occasional conversations on the streets and stores.

  35. Hey rw_man:Privet Bratno!
    I suggest to put in your links a web page to dennounce ACLU,a powerful cultural marxist-feminist fortress that “defends your rights”..by destroying them.
    You have a great blog,nice to read and marvelous photos to see!
    Slava Russian Women!

  36. sorry,I forget it 😀

  37. Elena Says:

    I’ve always found it rather hard to form relationships with foreigners. Possible, but more of an effort. I don’t know why; maybe its something about mentality. I’m in Britain at the moment…

  38. john Says:

    hi and hello my names john and i really need some serious advise……….please listen to my story.

    yesterday July 4th,independence day me and my family went to 6 flags and i honestly didnt want to go at first but but anyway my family took me,my mom and dad and brother to 6 flags and during that trip my mom had mentioned to my dad that i have to eat because i have a medical condition, seizures and i was pissed “but”……..but when we got to this eating place (im really not sure what its called but i know for a fact that its by wiggles world and the dark knight ride and batman ride as well) so continuing when we got to the place my brother and dad were ordering food etc. and i had no serious thoughts going on in my head until i hear this young lady’s voice and accent and so then at that moment i was can’t describe the feeling like um into her or interested how do you say it um turned on but not sexually not at all, i mean that would be crazy ya know just seeing a woman and you get tuned on sexually hahaha walking around the park in public with a boner hahaha but anyway so yea i was interested in her right then and there once i heard her accent….i mean like oh G.O.D. she was saying all this stuff but like were this place is and what food and drinks they have like W.O.W. ok i might be going crazy over this woman but please hear me out i have no girlfriend and im looking for one and i’ve never seen a Russian woman before and have one look at me dead in the eyes while in doing the same for like about a minute so going on during that once the food came my dad took what his food and my brother took his and my mom went with them and i was waiting on i think mines even though none of them told me that i was eating something and then i was waiting alone just looking at her (she didn’t notice) and when the lady gave me the i said thank you and i really can’t remember but i vividly remember us looking each other dead in the eye for about a minute or forty seconds but she probably said you’re welcome and then i left so then i went to the table with my parents and said to my brother “you notice that girl s accent?” he said “i think” but when my dad came i asked him and he said “like Russia?” so then that was the end of that but when were about to go i literally said to my mom and brother i wanna say bye to that Russian chick and when my dad came i said the same thing to him too but i never got the chance to say bye..so hopefully now you or whoever is reading this message will understand my feelings toward this lady and thoughts because i very disappointed in myself..very just thinking what could i have said “before” i went to the table because i might not ever see this lady ever again..so whoever is reading this please understand ok please im the youngest in my family 16 years of age in fact and the lady could have been about in her early twenties or probably eighteen or nineteen but regardless i would have still asked her out from that experience i’ve began to realize that i am very courageous. but a few things about the Russian lady she was very stunning…..very stunning i mean i couldnt i would nevr say beutiful just stunning in that outfit she was wearing well not really an out fit just the shirt but going on she had these amazing light-albino-looking blue eyes, not pale but beuteful white skin and had like black hair not super emo black but just black hear i probably was brown but hey im not sure,the blazing hot suns in the way,regular height and last thing that was just pure magical was her smile i’ll never forget that…never but anyway its july 5th monday get back to me at jphelenaboy123@gmail.com ok hopefully someone there will give me some happy advise because im i wanna see her again or get her number or some thing i mean im a very friendly guy im going into modeling for a career soon and right now a dubber in voice acting but not internationally just a fan dubber and i’ll just about say hi to anybody even though im not suppose to talk to strangers but hey make a few stranger friends during your life eh? but anyway if you wanna know more just email me at jphelenaboy123@gmail.com please hear me out guys and this whole even with the lady took place at the new jersey 6 flags and im pretty sure theres only one in the state of new jersey and one one more thing if you ever actually look my up on google you’ll see my name “jphelenaboy123” on there supporting a very good voiceactor lucas gilbertson uploading his videos. Please i hope this is a great site to get advice and all well alright thank you bye……….

    1. rw_man Says:

      John your post is one of the most entertaining one I’ve read in a long time.

      Congratulations on your first semi•mystical encounter with a beautiful russian girl at the age of 16. May you have many more 🙂

      I was reading your story and hoping that you had the courage to introduce yourself and get her email. But alas you have a missed connection instead. Next time I’m sure you will do better. Many russian girls come to this site so let’s hope that your lady friend knows about us too.

      Please tell your friends about us and take care.

      1. john Says:

        thank you seriously thank you because now its 3:37 AM and im going all over the place messageing people if they’ve seen the lady my story is very true i would have never went on this site if it wasnt for the lady and i would never do this for attention its lousy and stupid if so i mean now im very desperate i never new at all that russain women lookeded the way they are….im into conperacy thereas and theres an alien race called pleadeans (ple-a-d-ans)pleadans (my spelling is bad but hopefully you’ll understand. so supposedly we originated from them especially the women having very light skin and light hear such as blonde

      2. rw_man Says:

        Your welcome John.

        Well we have over 200 Billion stars in our galaxy alone so is it possible that we have visitors or that some of us even come from other worlds? Sure it is..

        But for purposes of discussion I’d just call this beautiful lady and many other Russian Girls like her angels and leave it at that. 🙂

        After all, I don’t know if she would appreciate you openly speculating that her origin may be from another star system so I’d say that caution at this point in time would be a good virtue for you to have.

      3. john Says:

        yes your right but now im dissapointed in my self.

  39. john Says:

    And one more thing now I’m jumping site to site trying to find this lady online or somewhere..…..i’ll have no luck though but it’s worth the try……readers your probably wondering why im going to drastic measures for such a person well I’ll explain…..honestly im a friendly guy and I would have never… never expected to run into a very beautiful (atleast in my eyes) foreign girl during the summer whom im sure is around my age except older by about 3 years or 4 but still it doesn’t matter to me…….i’d still ask her out and you guys might be saying well get with a girl at your school well honestly most of them atleast in my school are very negative and racist (there racist to most of my colored friends) and its not just the girls it’s the guys too…..but what makes it worst is when the girls say that nasty stuff it really does. but anyway on that day July 4th was “magical” for me just pure magical because I have “never in my entire……never seen a “foreign lady” so charming with this amazing smile that she gave me when I said “thank you” to her and especially the eyes I’ll never forget those even if I get married but I’ve never seen eyes like the ones she had never……and she did both those things in one which blow me away inside because once she did that I literally said like….amazing…….but then again all this for a girl? Well its hard to explain but I really….really…..really wanna see this lady again I really do because I just think from what I saw and experienced is that she’s just amazing I really do…..so im trying to search for a way to get contact with this lady just to speak to this lady just once…….just once.
    i have feelings that she’s probably single for sure without a doubt. But then again she could be taken. I just need to find away online somewhere or somehow to get in contact with this lady or else she’d be stuck in my mind for quite some time until I forget her. Although I know now that no one will be able to help me so yea…..but I still have some sort of confidence inside my body.

    And im not and adult looking for attention or a sick pedophile I’m johnathan a 16 year old softmore in warren tech new jersey school, and I major in communications or you could say TV and radio.
    Im a friendly person and im a very good friend with Lucas Gilbertson whom he is a voice actor and what I do is upload his work online but me and him haven’t meet in person were just good online friends and if you type me up on Google you’ll find me on YouTube “jphelenaboy123”and you’ll see all the videos I upload for Lucas Gilbertson im not interested in any girls at my school I mean I could tell all of you a whole bunch of storys but it would be too much so hear me out please.

    this is a “true story”. I might actually make a video or some sort of documentation

  40. Leos Tomicek Says:

    I am sorry to say this but you brushed off Carlo’s comment without even considering its merit. I understand he didn’t substantiate his claims with some statistical evidence, so let me do it for him…


    61% of Russian women see their bodies as a commodity. That means that they are interested in what they can gain by dating and sleeping with you. Not you!

    Just take a look at Anna Chapman. She was not dating Westerners because of love.


    Oksana had no love lost for Mel…


    My sources tell me that among the Russian women in the US this is fairly common behaviour. They know of many cases like this.

    Men from the former Russian territories in Central Asia and Caucasus say that Russian women are no good for marriage, because they are too liberated.

    You are against Cultural Marxism but forget that Russia was ruled by a Marxist regime for most of 20th century. Cultural Marxism comes from the Classical Marxism and draws on many of the prior theorists. The first attack on family comes from Marx and he was accepted in the Soviet Union just as much as among the Marxists in the West.

    I don’t dispute there are stories of success but your blog sounds too sweet to be true.

    1. Richard Says:

      Well, I am sorry but . . . . . from this reader’s perspective . . . . .
      Whether or not Carlo’s comment was “brushed off without even considering its merit” is a matter of opinion, only.
      But as far as “his claims being made without statistical evidence” you are just offering up the writings of another blogger as somehow supplying that statistical evidence. Seems a tad bit self absorbed considering that YOU are that other blogger.
      In your blog you have stated that the articles from which you’ve drawn your conclusions, “are not worthy of translation” but yet you have hand picked excerpts to highlight your point of view. Whether it was intended or not, that tactic has the feel of deception to me. The feminists run that gambit all of the time. A ten page report may only slightly mention an opposing view but pulling those tiny morsels out of context could suggest that the whole report was written in that opposing view.
      Quoting unnamed reports which say, “61% of Russian women see their bodies as a commodity” and then adding your conclusion, “that means that they are interested in what they can gain by dating and sleeping with you” does not in any way qualify as “statistical evidence”. And if it were true, that still places the Russian women ahead of the NA women where the number is more like 85 to 90 percent.
      I’m not saying that your views are right or wrong, but simply that they are only your views, just like nearly everyone else here. The best bloggers in the world are still just bloggers and I’ve as yet to see the world class statistician among them.
      Regarding, “Men from the FSU, Central Asia and Caucasians saying that Russian women are no good for marriage, because they are too liberated” is also ambiguous at best. What men? How many men? How many from each of those demographics? What is their average career and income level? What age group? Were they mostly single, divorced, widowed, married, etc? And, again, what other group of women in the world are ‘these men’ comparing the Russian women to?
      Based on the three guys I golfed with last week I could say, “Men from all over the world suck at golf and talk bad on the course” but that wouldn’t make it so.
      What ‘your sources’ tell you about Russian women in the US (and Canada, as well) with regards to the Mel and Oksana type of scenario is probably true. NA culture is, and always has been, a lure to the weakness in many people around the world. Further, it is a culture so corrupt that it can damage or destroy even the stronger ones who come here with the very best of intentions. And, AGAIN, that realm of corruption and destruction seems to come from the ultra liberal, pro socialist, man hating feminist NA women with their agendas of ‘dominance before obedience’, ‘subversive before submissive’ and all of the other anti-family garbage they spew.
      I don’t think anyone here denies the reign of Marxism in the FSU. In fact I think this is the first time I’ve seen anyone say that GL, “forgets that Russia was ruled by a Marxist regime for most of 20th century”. But acknowledging the existence of Marxism certainly does not require supporting it. And by the way, Marxism wasn’t “accepted” by the Soviet Union as if the people really had any choice; it was what they were given by a stern dictatorship whether they accepted it or not. The word acceptance suggests that there were available options.
      One of the key strengths of GL as compared to most other blogs is that the overall perspective is realistic. In my opinion it has never seemed “too sweet to be true”. If the choices are to try highlighting successes rather than wandering aimlessly through the darkness of despair and hopelessness, I’ll go with the first one every time.

      1. Leos Tomicek Says:

        Well, I didn’t translate the articles but I chose the important bits out of them. The articles are based on sociological research, so the number is substantiated.

        And the number means that 6 out of 10 women in Russia are not looking for real love.

        I see changes for the better Russia but at the same time I see continuation of institutions that are a legacy of the Marxists regime. It is hard to tell where things may lead at present.

      2. rw_man Says:

        Leos, 6 out of 10 Russian Women are not looking for real love?

        Sorry, I don’t buy it. And there is a HUGE cultural issue you are missing here in relations to this quote and your overall point.

        Many Russian Women are single and have little chance of finding true love given the demographic disadvantages that they face.

        So in their mind.. instead of publicly saying that they want true love and then end up being disappointed by the outcome and feeling ashamed by it.. It is much easier for them to just simply deny that they want it in the first place. And this is simply a protective and coping mechanism for them.

        Leos I don’t think you really understand Russian Culture. What a Russian Woman says in public and what she truly feels in private are often two very different things. Being private with their intentions and saving Face is everything to them especially when there is a real need for them to show their stoicism and strength in the harsh conditions that they often live under.

        I’ve often said a few times in this blog to pay more attention to what any of these women do as opposed to what they say.

        If for example a woman says to some complete stranger conducting a survey that she is not looking for love but then turns around and does everything she can to maintain her beauty and attractiveness in the hopes of attracting the right man then you should get the picture here.

        So let me cut straight to the point here.

        All Russian Women want to find real love. It is an integral part of their culture and identity. But they are not going to openly advertise it in a way that you may be familiar with. And many of these women just may have simply given up but that doesn’t mean that they don’t want it.

        Leos before you make another silly statement about these women now wanting love based on some bogus survey I’d recommend that you read this post that I put up a while back.

        Why It’s Hard For Russian Women to Show Feelings

      3. Manoah Says:

        I’m at a lose to explaining it. I’ve met probably hundreds of Russian women and read hundreds more profile and out of it all, I’m often struck by one homogeneous desire – that is for family, home, children. There’s no better sense of love than that of family, home and children. In the US, you don’t have that homogeneity. Its not surprising to find a couple not wanting any children. And that strikes me as odd, because in a way, when they die, that’s it, the end of the line.

    2. Evushka Says:

      RW, THANK YOU for your wisdom and such deep understanding of russian culture. You read in my heart. So many times when I just came to US I was considered cold by my ex-family, while my family and friends know me as loving and bubbly person who smiles a lot. It is a defensive mechanism, once someone hurts you – it’s difficult to be open with them again. They hurt me again and again, and as result I would be quiet and “cold” around them, I can’t do fake smile and then tell someone nasty “compliment”. Best way is to stay away from such people, nothing will change them, they can’t enjoy happiness of others and share their joy.
      As for women in Russia, I believe all of us want to be loved and find the one and only, who we can love and care about. When I meet my russian friends, they don’t ask me about if I got promoted at work and how is my career going, but have I found the one, am I in love, when are we planning on having kids so they can play with them.
      I’m not strong in statistics, but if we start with ourselves to bring more joy into this world, concentrate on positives, this life will get better. And that exactly what this blog is doing . Thank you RW.

      1. rw_man Says:


        Thank you so much..

        Your gratitude to my blog is both an honor and a small reflection of the gratitude I have to ladies like you who have shown me what real womanhood is all about.

        I feel that as a Man I would be pretty worthless without that knowledge and experience.

        Please please please tell your Russian Girl friends about this site and have them participate if they can. Your enthusiasm and support is everything.

  41. Richard Says:

    I’d like to add to this thread that I think there is validity on both sides of the discussion.
    Leos, your reading with regards to the surveys about Russian women not wanting true love may be very accurate depending on several criteria, as it is with all surveys. For example, if the survey was taken in Moscow verses some small city in the Urals, or the overall average age of the participants varied by only a few years, the total number of participants and so on. Most NA statisticians don’t consider their findings secure until they reach a certain number of participants over a certain number of other qualifying factors. Traditionally speaking, the number of participants should be in the several thousand range to be a representative cross section of the overall population.
    However, here in the US and Canada we regularly see ‘surveys’ which lack a broad enough spectrum to be critically sound, yet the proponents use their numbers to raise all sorts of impractical concerns and disruptions. That is very much at the heart of my ongoing disgust for the political climate here these days and the years of feminism which has destroyed our families.
    For example, in the 60s there were new studies and surveys every month about the dangers of smoking pot. One study would be done at some small, government funded, Midwestern University or some survey would be conducted with workers leaving a factory in some ultra-conservative stronghold in the Bible belt, but all of the data was pretty much orchestrated to yield the desired result. Even the way questions are asked can influence the replies.
    Make no mistake, I am not trying to denounce the information that you saw, but merely trying to imply that many surveys are bought and paid for as are the results which come from them. We must all be quite vigilant about the background data when trying to express our own agendas, and let’s face it, we all have agendas.
    When rw_man says that “all Russian women want to find real love” I have to consider that to be a generalization based on his personal experience. The value we can place on his statement is that he lives there and interacts with these women and their families daily. If he were merely writing his opinion of a survey of the women in his area, I would be highly suspect and somewhat critical of his viewpoint. Actually living within the culture and making personal observations has a great deal of value for the rest of us even if his perspective is biased.
    I have no doubt that there are many women in the FSU that are westernized to the point of being just like their NA counterparts. My friends from that region, as well as friends who frequently travel there have told me enough to make me comfortable saying that most Russian women have a higher moral character than the majority of NA women.
    Our planet has shrunk dramatically over the past 20 years. We have to go no further than our next room to chat with anyone from anywhere on Earth. All of the tricks and deceptions of human decline are available at the touch of a button.
    Are there women in Russia that have no interest in true love? I’m certain there are. Is that portion of the population 60% or more? I strongly doubt it. And to once more reiterate my decree, even 60% is still far better than NA. It is very hard to find a NA woman who is unaffected by the decline in character brought about by feminism. It is even harder to find a NA woman who believes that the roles of wife and mother are possibly more important than competing with men in the corporate world. I would ‘conservatively’ put an estimate of 80% on NA women who do not want true love, and in my heart I know it is higher. Even a first time poker player can see the value in those odds. My unofficial, knee jerk, and completely unscientific result is that there is a 20% better chance of finding true love in the FSU than there is in NA.
    I have not yet experienced the culture and social climate of the FSU so I can only go on the word of others who have been or are there. I must yield to their knowledge and experience. That said, I believe that any man who is serious about traditional family values and finding a woman who lives by the same sort of moral barometer, Russia is probably a pretty good place to start looking.

  42. Leos Tomicek Says:

    How many women are going to say that they do not see a point in dating a man if they don’t not get any material benefits out of it to their social circle? And I do not share your optimism on Russian women being less materialistic and wanting to find a real love.

    Especially the younger generation.

    The research is not bogus, if it was, why would those that conducted it put their names on the article?

    1. rw_man Says:

      I’m sorry Leos but you got it wrong. And let me tell you why. If you are going to look at a population of women and tag them as gold diggers then more then likely this is what you will find for yourself.

      This research you quote is still bogus for the reasons I’ve already stated above. And quite frankly you have a pretty small minority opinion on this site especially since there are close to 10,000 comments on this site and the vast majority of them are very supportive of the values that many traditional Russian Women have. This type of enthusiastic discussion doesn’t get generated from Women who are materialistic harlots.

      Do I admire and respect these women as a whole? I sure do.

      Am I trying to sugar coat the ones that have more negative characteristics?


      If I was I wouldn’t spend so much time telling guys to avoid places like Moscow or dealing with girls that have an overt materialistic agenda which is the case in every country.

      So let me ask you a few questions Leos..

      What is YOUR experience in Russia or the FSU?

      Have you been burned by some Materialistic Russian girl in the past?

      If so did you do something to attract this type of girl to you in the first place?

      Because frankly speaking.. Most of the guys I’ve communicated with who share your opinion about Russian Women have approached these ladies as commodities to be bartered for with material rewards.. and they have reaped what they’ve sown.

      1. Leos Tomicek Says:

        Well, I’m part Russian, and all Russian women in my life were the traditional and family oriented types you describe.

        I never went out with a Russian girl though, and I do not engage in materialistic relationships, where ever the girl might be from.

        In fact this is a classic shaming tactic used by Feminists. “Are you so sceptical about women because you got burned?” I agree there are idiots out there who probably deserve to be buned but what about the gray mass of guys where things are not so clear.

        I found plenty of articles here that say that “your failures are all your fault buddy.” There are two to the relationship and I haven’t heard you criticise bad Russian women the same way you criticise the bad Western men.

        I read your article on Moscow and noticed that you got some heat from women that live there. You also warned against night clubs and metro in the night. Didn’t it occur to you that looking for “real love” at a night club would not be a good idea at all? And that goes not just for Russia.

        You were also told that those birds that cause trouble in Moscow come from the province.

        I think a guy who does business in Moscow can find himself a decent girl if he puts some effort into it, and doesn’t look for the easy way in a night club. But that I would say is the case anywhere in the world, including Feminist America.

      2. rw_man Says:



        You need to read this blog more carefully. I never said that girls from the provinces in Moscow were the ones causing trouble. In fact please read my exact quote from the comments section of that post.

        Moscow – Good for Business.. Not so Good for Brides..

        “There are always exceptions especially with women from smaller towns who come to the bigger cities for work or education. But as you can imagine it’s harder to find them. This is generally true regardless of where you are in the world. Provincial areas is what I would focus on because the girls there tend to have a completely different focus and are just that much more grounded.”


        Leos you have some serious growing up to do.. because the difference between a Man and a Boy is the level of responsibility he will take for his life and his relationships.

        If he is ignorant about Russian Culture or Russian Women and decides to try to date them like an American Woman per se.. and then this “relationship” ends in disaster.. whose fault is that?

        Leos I don’t know what type of woman you are looking for but if you have any hope of dating a traditional Russian girl from this part of the world you had better grow up and learn to take responsibility as a Real Man.

        Because if you aren’t then you are going to attract exactly the “wrong” type of women that you seem to be trying to point out to us in the first place.

        I’m not BS’ing you either. Let me repeat..

        The only way you can grow up and make any changes in your life is if you take responsibility for your F*** Ups EVEN IF YOU CHOOSE THE WRONG GIRL.

        If you choose the wrong girl it’s your own damn fault. If you don’t know how to understand the difference between “good” ones and “bad” ones then it’s still your own damn fault.

        This is ESPECIALLY the case if you want to go around trying to point fingers to these women and tell everyone how “bad” they are. Maybe that finger needs to be pointed in the opposite direction.

        Making mistakes is a part of learning.. but learning doesn’t happen if you don’t look at yourself.

        Yes the margin for error in anyone’s life can be very slim but the first rule of manhood is always to own up to your own sh**.


        Leos from the sounds of it.. You have little to no life of your own and are trying to live it vicariously through the muddy glass of “statistics”. I’ve met lots of guys like this and frankly they are nothing but cowards who are too fearful to discover what life is about on their own terms.. In fact usually the sequence for their behavior goes like this.

        Ignorance —-> Fear —–> Arrogance

        And the “Arrogance” they exhibit is only designed to cover up their Ignorance and Fear in the first place.

        So am I “trying” to “shame” you because of this?

        YES I AM..

        You want to quote some bogus “statistics” with me? How about I quote some real wisdom to you instead. This one came from Teddy Roosevelt.

        “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

        Leos I’d be more then happy to shut up if you can show me that you are in “this Arena” when it comes to understanding Russian Women or any relationship of substance. If you can’t show me this.. then I’d highly recommend that you sit back zip it and learn.

  43. Manoah Says:

    There are instances that I’ve heard that while on a date, a woman wanted somethings and the man said that he doesn’t have the money for it and she understood and did not press him on it. Recently I was out with a pretty Russian girl. She didn’t have much and neither do I. Although I can tell that she was interested in a man who was successful, she nonetheless showed interest in me despite me not being anywhere nearly as successful. And when we went out she would rather order food items that were inexpensive.

    But I understand sometimes, girls get excited at the prospect of marrying into wealth. Perhaps some guys do it as well. But it is in our position to explain to them that that is not conducive to love or how to engender love. In fact, it is just the opposite. Those who seek mammon in relations instead find not love but more likely a pile of misery.

    Some good advices from 1746 on courtship and marriage.

    Click to access REFLECTIONS.pdf


    1. Richard Says:

      As soon as I looked at the paper you’ve linked us to, I recognized it. A friend and I read this (or something very much like it) back in high school during the late 60s. It sure looks like something Franklin could have written. He has always been one of my favorite historical figures and I’ve read much of his work.
      It seems an unfortunate reality that many of us desire wealth and power but generally lack any desire to earn it.
      Young women today want to marry into it, young men want to have it handed to them in some romantic business venture, and most would be very happy with a winning lottery ticket.
      Why is it so hard to imagine earning our wealth, whatever that may be?
      A wise young woman should never act extravagant on a date, as if financial gain is part of the plan. Ordering conservatively at dinner is a sign of responsibility and respect whether she thinks her date has a lot of money or not. By respecting a man’s resources, they are more likely to be willing to share their relative ‘wealth’ as time goes on.
      And wise men shouldn’t begin dating someone by being overly free with their spending, unless they wish to set a bad precedent. As the old saying goes, “it is easier to build up than to build down”. Setting unrealistically high expectations in the beginning is a sure road to short and expensive relationships.

    2. Leos Tomicek Says:

      Well, I met East Asian, Central European and Southern European girls who were like this too. This is not simply a Russian thing.

    3. rw_man Says:

      Manoah this is an excellent point and it is the norm when traditional Russian Women go on a date.

      They don’t know what the earning power of their date is and they will error on the side of caution by typically only ordering something simple and inexpensive.

      If this isn’t one of the highest demonstrations of respect and courtesy shown from a Woman to a Man then I don’t know what is.

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